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Can I Get A Witness?

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16). When a true worshiper sincerely and humbly prays, their prayer rises to heaven, and Jesus adds the holy incense of His merit to our petitions. Through His righteousness, our prayers are accepted.

“I received a call from Kathy Gowler, my nurse assistant, on a Tuesday afternoon,  She told me that a patient from twenty-one years ago called to inquire about how she could contact me. She stated that the patient said that I saved her life. I asked her the name. She told me, ‘Regina G. and her daughter’s name is Ree’Nasia' I told her, ‘Yes, I remember her after all this time, many baby deliveries later. It’s been twenty-one years, but her story was for a lifetime. She was always on my mind.”

They Meet 21 yrs. later


Dr. Erna Waxman, MD & Ree'Nasia Moriah (Miracle) 

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I cannot imagine what life would be like without my mother. I cannot imagine how my life would be if we didn’t have Dr. Waxman, and the other doctors and nurses who were there to help my mother. I thank the nurses for taking care of me during my mother's recovery I thank Dr. Waxman for diligently working on my mother for 7 hours during surgery. 


I thank her for having faith and patience and not giving up on her. I thank all the family, church members, and friends who stayed by my mother’s side and continued to pray for her return and safe delivery of me. 

Earth Angels

Testimonial Inserts From the book "Two Angels And A Biscuit Full of Honey"


Loidrina G.

Daughter & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

"I'll never forget seeing The Priest walk in with Dr. Waxman into the waiting area. I heard Dr. Waxman tell my father it was time to call my mother's family. My heart, which was already broken, broke into many more pieces. Although I was only 8, I'd watched enough television shows to know it's not good news when The Priest comes out. 


Also, I recall a time when my brother and I would cry nonstop in bed with our father while sobbing on our mother's pillow every night. We were both deeply heartbroken. One night, the phone rang at 3:00 am, and we all jumped up, fearing the worst. It was the hospital calling, and we thought they were calling with bad news. My brother and I started crying even more, but thank God! That night, our mother woke up, and our tears turned into shouts of joy."


Pastor C. H. G.

Prayer Warrior/Father & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA.

"En route to Doctor's Hospital in Augusta, Georgia, to see my daughter, I spoke to God and said, "Lord, I pray that your will be done and help me be prepared to accept your holy will. My daughter was yours before she became ours."


Upon our arrival, my son-in-law led us straight to my daughter's room in the ICU. As soon as I walked through the door, the atmosphere felt cold and damp, as if I was entering a morgue. My heart sank instantly, and I had a feeling that my daughter's spirit had left her body. This was later confirmed when I touched her hand and felt how cold it was. I realized that I was only looking at her lifeless body. At that moment, I thought that she had passed away for good.


Elnora G.

Prayer Warrior/Mother & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA.

When I first received the news, all I could do was call on the name of Jesus. Immediately, we began to pray as we prepared for the drive to Augusta, GA. We prayed nonstop the entire drive. 


Regina was the light of the family, able to make you smile just by entering a room. And now she needed our light to shine for her. 


As we entered her room, my tears overwhelmed me. I remember saying, "We've done all we can do. I asked God to help us to accept his will. I was happy and thankful that we got to see her, even if it was for the last time.. But, "God!"


Soronda M.

Friend & Eyewitness

Lithonia, GA.

"On March 14th, 2000, I received a call informing me that my best friend was in the ICU. One of my church members accompanied me to Augusta that day.


When we arrived, I was allowed to visit Regina in the ICU. As I walked into her room, I noticed that she was swollen, and her arms were restrained to the bed. I tried to be strong, but the tears started to flow."


Ezekiel G.

Son & Eyewitness

Atlanta GA

"Although I was only four years old, I vividly remember sitting in the waiting room while my mother was fighting for her life. At that moment, I started feeling like it would only be my sister, father, and me taking care of my baby sister from then on. However, I didn't voice my concerns as I couldn't comprehend the situation at that age. All I could cling to was the feeling and memory of that moment."

Earth Angel

Debra G.

Sister & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

“I must confess that the first time I saw my sister lying there in ICU, fear embodied me. I did not even recognize her, My heart was racing, and I was so afraid that I would never get another opportunity to speak to her again.


As she lay there, all swollen and looking lifeless, I thought about how hard it would be on all of us, especially the children, if she did not pull through. Everyone knew how crazy Drina and Zeke were about their mother. Regina was the light of the family. I have never prayed so hard. 

Earth Angel

Anthony G.

Brother & Eyewitness

Jonesboro, GA

"Being the second of four siblings, I was considered the older brother. After receiving word that my youngest sister went to the hospital to give birth to her third child, my family and I waited in anticipation of our new family member.


However, we received notification that things didn’t go as expected and her husband called and told us my sister was in ICU in critical condition. As a family, we rushed to her bedside. We were allowed to see her in the ICU, and she lay there clinging to life, not knowing we were there. Being a praying family, I believe that deep down inside she knew we were there praying for her recovery. "

Pastor M.C. G.

Brother & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

“A Living Miracle” That’s what I think about when I think about my look-alike, my sister, Regina. It was March 14th, 2000, I was excited to know that I was about to become an uncle for the 6th time as Nasia, my niece was to be entered into the world. But during that delivery, my sister experienced some unexpected difficulties that caused her to lose 7 pints of blood and caused her to be in a coma.


When I received the news that she was in a coma, I traveled to Augusta Medical Center to see her and all I know is that what I saw then to what I see now, Miracles are real. Acts 3:16 says, “By faith in the name of Jesus this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is in Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him as you can all see. When I read this scripture, I think about my sister Regina, “A living Miracle.”


Cynthia B.

Family & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

I remember driving to Doctor's Hospital in Augusta, Ga. Upon entering, we took the elevator up to the ICU. I went to the nurses’ station to ask for Regina’s room number. We then proceeded down the hallway. We were on a mission. When I got to the room number and looked in, my first thought was, “That’s not Regina,” so we kept walking down the hallway. After passing a few rooms, I realized that it was Regina’s room. We turned around and entered the room. I walked in and stood close to her bed. Again, I said that’s not Regina. She was unrecognizable. She was swollen from head to toe. Her legs were bent, and she was breathing through a tube. She had so many tubes coming out of her. Immediately, we all stood in a circle, held hands, and began to pray. 


Even though it’s been twenty-one years, I still remember that image of her lying in that hospital bed. To look at Regina today compared to then, there is no way you can’t believe in miracles. 

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Joyce C.

Prayer Warrior & Eyewitness

Augusta, GA

“The phone call from Pastor was one that I’ll never forget. It was early morning when I received a call from Pastor telling me that Sis Regina was in the hospital having her baby. During the labor and delivery process, she experienced complications, and doctors told her husband that the situation was looking bad for Regina and the child she was trying to deliver.”

“Pastor’s request was for the church and prayer warriors to begin to pray and intercede on Regina’s behalf. 


“When I first heard of the situation, I felt fear. I feared for Regina, for her family, and for me and my limited ability to help. As a mother myself, my soul was crying out. I felt sick to my stomach; I thought I was too emotional. I couldn’t assist Pastor Regina or her family. I then began to pray for a miracle for Regina and her family as I got ready to go to the hospital. I prayed for God to give Pastor, me, and the other Prayer Warriors at the hospital the strength and courage to handle whatever we encountered.


About five minutes from the hospital, God spoke to me. He said Regina had seen a glimpse of my glory! It is up to her whether she returns or not, and it is up to her whether she fights to come back.


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Rose A.

Prayer Warrior & Eyewitness

Augusta, GA

“Seeing God's word in action was more than a miracle. She was a praying woman of God who was giving birth to a daughter that Satan tried to block. Satan knew she had a purpose and a beautifully designed future with God and that she was a praying mother who was full of God’s word.

This mother was excited, just looking forward to seeing and being a part of this next chapter of life, not only for herself as a mother but also through her daughter’s experiences. So, imagine the pain, the hurt, the confusion when the Physician told awaiting friends and family that the mother and daughter would not make it. But that Physician did not know the God we serve. He is all-powerful, knowing, and healing.”


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Priscilla B.

Prayer Warrior/ Friend & Eyewitness

Lithonia, GA

I got a call that Regina was in trouble and that she had lost so much blood that she was even bleeding out through her skin. The more blood they pumped into her, the more blood flowed out of her.


“In the name of Jesus, I proclaimed that she would be healed and not die. I prayed that all nurses, doctors, and family members who entered her room had clean hands. I even prayed over the doorknobs when I said that prayer. Everybody coming into her room had to have clean hands.

After I prayed, I went to see Ree’Nasia. She was beautiful, and her brother and sister were beautiful. I declared again that Regina would live and not die.

Later, my friend Rosalind and I hit the road back to Conyers. We were rejoicing that Regina was going to wake up, and we were convinced that we were not going to a funeral.

That was on a Sunday. I called to check on her that Tuesday. And she answered the phone. I fell apart.”


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Joselyn & Rufus R.

Family/Prayer Warriors & Eyewitness'

Covington, GA.

“We were always taught the importance of being there for family when needed and the power of prayer. As Regina’s parents, my husband, Rufus, and I, as well as her aunt Annie, traveled to Augusta on that day; we had faith that God would see Regina through. Why? Because we were coming to pray!


We knew if we approached God’s throne with confidence, we’d receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need (Hebrews 4:16). Regina was in the fight of her life, but we serve a great and mighty God who hears and answers when we pray.”


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Pastor Karen King

Prayer Warrior, Friend & Eyewitness

Jacksonville, Fl.

"I remember how Leonard kept his faith during a difficult time. Even though he was scared, he never expressed his fear verbally. Instead, he prayed and spoke positively all the time. Additionally, he shielded his children from the true condition of their mother's health. He kept reassuring them that everything would be okay despite receiving bad news. The children remained blissfully unaware and carefree, except for Drina, who sensed something wasn't right. However, they all kept their faith thanks to Leonard's faith."

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Jenesis Peaks

A vessel of grace; A vessel of wrath

Atlanta, GA

On the day I was released from the Hospital, Leonard left to go and pull the car around to the front as the nurse wheeled me in a wheelchair towards the elevator. Upon passing, there were so many people saying God bless and waving goodbye: nurses, doctors, other patients, and their loved ones who were there in the waiting room on that day. Even though I didn't have complete knowledge about what truly happened at that time, it was all over the Hospital, about the woman who died during childbirth and came back.


 I remember when we got onto the elevator, an older woman entered. She smiled as she entered, and I smiled back as much as possible. Once she settled in the corner, She said, "You're that woman." At first, I thought she was talking to the nurse for some reason. Perhaps because, at that time, I hadn't grasped the totality of my experience. She repeated herself. I turned and looked at her and realized then that she was talking to me. She was all smiles. One would have thought that I had just given birth to her grandchild. She continued, "I don't know what name you choose for your baby girl, but you must change it to "Miracle." I told her the name "Miracle, had already been chosen before the miracle occurred. Nasia means "Miracle of God," and Moriah means "God is My Teacher."


You see, one night, months before my delivery, I had a dream that I was at home, sitting on my couch while holding a baby girl with a dark complexion in my lap. Several days after being discharged from the Hospital, I was at home, sitting on my couch while holding a baby girl with a dark complexion in my lap.


I share this with you in hopes that it will touch your hearts and minds to know that whatever God promised and said about you in the beginning will come to pass in the end. For God is the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End.


-because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus Phillippians 1: 5-6.


-Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6


God Bless!

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Frances E.

Family & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

“To my niece who I love dearly. I know what you went through. The struggle was real. You are truly a living testimony. Continue to do the work on the path that God has for you. Love Auntie”


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Annie R.

Family & Eyewitness

Conyers, GA

“I can’t remember a lot being that I’m up in age, but I remember we came to pray for Regina. We had faith that God was going to bring her through, and He did.”

Regina N.

Prayer Partner/Counselor/Friend

Conyers, GA

“It is an honor and privilege to share remarks of a wonderful person filled with the holy spirit. She’s an artist in every sense of the word: writer, director, poet, and psalmist (spoken word) are just a few of her gifts. As I have listened to her testimony surrounding the birth of her daughter, it confirms in my heart and mind that she was sent back on a mission and given the appropriate tools to accomplish it.”

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Eddie G.


Covington, GA

“Due to my work schedule, I was unable to make it to the hospital in Augusta to see my niece, but I prayed like never before. I am a praying man. Not only did I pray, but my church family and I prayed without ceasing. We believed in the power of prayer and that Regina was already healed in Jesus' Name.


When we got the report that she pulled through, we gave God all the Glory!”


Dalton F.


Lawrencevill, GA

“Jenesis Peaks! A strong black woman, a determined mother, a resilient spirit, and a rose kissed by God. That’s the woman I met some years ago. Her spirit is unwavering in the task she sets her mind to. Her strong desire to shine God’s light through her eyes. A great friend, and an inspiration to others for her unwillingness to quit or give up. That strong determination is like a beacon of light that shines through her walk, her spirit and self-being to others like a glimmer of hope in whatever anyone is dealing with in their lives. That’s why she is my friend, my rock, and my beacon of light. When I heard her story, I wasn’t even surprised.

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Now to Him who can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesian 3:20

Special Thanks 

To the hundreds of others who interceded on my behalf.

  • Doctors (4)

  • Nurses

  • Blood Team (2 Teams)

  • Other Patients

  • L. G.

  • Waiting Room Guest

  • Pastors (Restoration Christian Fellowship Ministries)

  • Family Pastors

  • Church members

  • Prayer Warriors

  • Family near and far

  • Friends near and far

  • The Truckers Around The World who responded to a (911 Prayer dispatched by way of a family member's job.

  • Random people

  • Cards & Gifts I received.

Praying Hands

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